Keep and Kindle Support Now.

Sankyu Tang
#notionify#MemoHub#Google Keep#Amazon Kindle#NotesToNotion

Hello eveybody.
We are happy to tell you, NotesToNotion now supports Google Keep and Amazon Kindle to automatically sync notes to Notion
Keep is the most important note-taking software, you just need to concentrate on taking any notes on Keep, NotesToNotion will automatically sync your notes to Notion.
Kindle is an e-reader. You just need to highlights on reading on Kindle and take notes by crossing. NotesToNotion will automatically sync your highlights notes to Notion.
Once your notes are synced to Notion, you can manage all your notes in Notion and recreate them.
If you want to contact me, you can follow me on Twitter.
NotesToNotion: NotesToNotion
My X: Sankyu Tang
Thanks for reading.