
NotesToNotion v0.1.9 Released
#notionify#Notes To Notion#NotesToNotion#Rednote#X#Twitter#小红书
NotesToNotion v0.1.9 Released

X and Rednote support

Sankyu Tang

Sankyu Tang


Product named NotesToNotion finally released
#notionify#MemoHub#Notes To Notion#NotesToNotion#Google Keep#Amazon Kindle#flomo#Weread
Product named NotesToNotion finally released

s post I'm going to tell you about my favorite things.

Sankyu Tang

Sankyu Tang


Keep and Kindle Support Now.
#notionify#MemoHub#Google Keep#Amazon Kindle#NotesToNotion
Keep and Kindle Support Now.

NotesToNotion now supports Google Keep and Amazon Kindle to automatically sync notes to Notion.

Sankyu Tang

Sankyu Tang


NotesToNotion is now available.
NotesToNotion is now available.

NotesToNotion is a Chrome Extension, help you to export All App note to Notion.

Sankyu Tang

Sankyu Tang
