NotesToNotion v0.1.9 Released

Sankyu Tang

Sankyu Tang


#notionify#Notes To Notion#NotesToNotion#Rednote#X#Twitter#小红书
NotesToNotion v0.1.9 Released

Hello, everyone!

The latest version of NotesToNotion has been officially released, and the latest version is currently 0.1.9

This version updates:

This version adds support for automatic synchronization of two apps.

In the current version, we have change offical website from to

Updated 0.1.9, Web suggest to use the new website and login.

In the next application support, we will support synchronous video websites, welcome to continue to use our services.

Next, Roadmap

  1. Video Websites.
  2. New Plugin UI
  3. Enter Notion manually
  4. AI feature In Plugin

Now, 30% off purchase continue, which only costs $14.70 (¥105) to use for one year, limited to 100 users.

Welcome to use it and look forward to your feedback.

If you want to contact me, you can follow me on Twitter and join in Discord.

Sankyu Tang

NotesToNotion Twitter


Thanks for reading.